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Your home’s safety is now at your fingertips.

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The LaView ONE Cloud subscription is a fully encrypted Cloud server based service to securely keep your footage on the Amazon AWS server.

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This is great for talking to your spouse or your kids while you're away from home, but it's also a nice way to check in with your pets.

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Here’s a brief look at both the pros and cons of a home security camera system:Pros of Home Security CamerasCamera security may deter crime at least somewhat, as the mere presence of a home security camera may provide enough risk of being caught to keep would be intruders away. Camera security provides relative portability, as camera placement can be inside, outside, or both. Home security cameras vary in size and shape, allowing them to be hidden, tucked away, or obvious, depending on what the homeowner deems better for their situation. Home security camera footage may be used to identify or as evidence against the perpetrators, should the need arise. The cost of a basic, or even fake, home security camera is very low and can deter crime just by being present. Cons of Home Security CamerasThe cost of a home security camera can be expensive; the best home security camera system could be hundreds or even thousands of dollars, depending on the type and number of the cameras installed as well as the monitoring system used. While home security cameras have been shown to deter crime, they don’t always. It might provide too much peace of mind, as tech savvy intruders may have experience in avoiding or disabling the camera or entire system. Home security cameras will need to be maintained. If battery operated, the batteries of the camera will need to be replaced regularly. Monitors are the same.

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Schools, prisons, commercial buildings, malls and retail outlets, government buildings, and of course individual homes all have unique security needs that have to be addressed with sophisticated, state of the art indoor security cameras.

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